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Price estimate for your boat?

Do you want to sell your boat, but you're wondering what its current market value is?

It is difficult to rely on the prices listed on boating classifieds websites, as they can vary greatly, sometimes even double, for similar boats. Often, these boats remain for sale for a long time, which too often suggests that the price is not appropriate. That’s why we offer you an objective and impartial evaluation, based on our in-depth knowledge of the pre-owned market in France and Italy, and thus help you sell more quickly and secure the purchase of the new boat of your dreams. By providing us with some essential information, we leverage our 30+ years of expertise to offer you a free and accurate estimate of its value. Don’t wait any longer! Make your request today to receive a reliable evaluation and maximize your boat's selling potential.

Your data is used only for the purpose of estimating your property and providing you with the best possible estimate. undertakes not to share your information with any organization, company or third party, in accordance with the GDPR legislation in force.

Combien vaut votre bateau ? 21 results

Riva Rudy Super

39000 €
1985 - Collector in perfect condition
    1985 - Collector in perfect condition
    39000 €


    104900 €
    2000 - Clim, générateur
      2000 - Clim, générateur
      104900 €

      PRESTIGE 500 FLY

      555000 €Excluding agency fees
      2015 - 3 cabines
        2015 - 3 cabines
        555000 € Excluding agency fees
        19 - 21 of 21 properties
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        We buy all boats*, *regardless of their condition.
        Are you looking to part with your boat?
        Whether it's broken down or in perfect condition, we’re interested*!
        Benefit from our renowned expertise for a quick sale at the best price.
        Make your life easier and leave your boat in our hands.

        * de 6 m à 16 m, Zone PACA (FR) et Ligure (IT)

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